Diese Seite enthält erotische Bilder und Videos von nackten Männern in homosexuell pornographischen Handlungen.
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A group of young students discover for the joys of winter sports for the first time.
Accompanied by an instructor and supervisor, they are introduced to the joys of the ski lift between their legs and long hard descents.
It's cold by day but the temperature rises at night as the slalom goes from room to room. It's not just the slopes that are hard! The teenagers compare their young ice picks before attempting the ascent behind one another. Just follow the leader! The changing rooms overheat!
Only the intellectual gets in the way because he doesn't appreciate his peers nocturnal rampages! But he won't be left untouched by mischevious hands. Even the supervisors aren't spared from the sexual appetites of these youths!
Attention! Corruption of an adult!
Diese DVD wird ohne Kunststoffhülle geliefert. Sie erhalten die Disk und das Einlegeblatt.